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Txoj moo

Lub Zog Koj Lub Neej Nrog Portable Fais Fab Cov Tsev Nyiaj Txiag

电能详情页 _02 电能详情页 _07

Peb cov neeg ua haujlwm muaj yeej cov neeg txawj xaiv cov khoom lag luam xaiv cov khoom lag luam uas peb tau them, ua tib zoo tshawb fawb peb txoj kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws. Peb yuav tau txais ib txoj haujlwm yog tias koj yuav los ntawm peb cov kev txuas.Qhov chaw ua si
Muab koj lub xov tooj txawb nrog lub txhab nyiaj hluav taws xob ua kom koj lub neej tag nrho ntawm kev loj hlob. Ntawm no yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws portable iPhone cov neeg them nyiaj, kuaj thiab tshuaj xyuas los ntawm cov kws paub.
Tsis muaj ib yam dab tsi thab ntau dua li paub tias koj lub iPhone tab tom tuag thaum koj tsis muaj lub charger. Txoj hauv kev zoo kom tsis txhob muaj qhov no yog muaj lub roj teeb sab nraud rau koj lub xov tooj. Vim tias, txawm hais tias lub roj teeb muaj peev xwm ua tau zoo ntawm lub xov tooj tshiab xws li iPhone 14, kev ua si, kev twv txiaj, thiab lwm yam haujlwm tuaj yeem haus lub zog sai. Yog li yog tias koj tsis nyiam nrhiav cov outlets, nco ntsoov tias koj muaj kev ntseeg tau cov nqi hluav taws xob tsis zoo lossis lub txhab nyiaj.
Cov khoom siv portable khoom siv thiab cov chaw sib foob tuaj hauv txhua qhov qauv thiab ntau thiab tsawg. Ntau cov kev xaiv pheej yig feem ntau yuav tsum tau cable them, tab sis peb pom ntau dua thiab ntau sib nqus wireless wireless txuas rau sab nraum qab ntawm magsafe-enabled iphones thiab mapsafe-enabled. Tus kheej, Kuv nyiam iphone portable fais fab roj teeb nrog built-in xob xob laim cov roj ntsha uas tau them sai.
Txawm hais tias cov npe no yog rau iPhone, lub roj teeb Portable nrog USB-C lossis USB-Aposion Powerable gadget) ntev npaum li koj muab xov tooj txawb. cable.
Yog li dab tsi yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws portable charger rau them koj iPhone ntawm kev mus? Hauv qab no yog peb cov kev xaiv sab saum toj, txhua yam uas kuv tau sim thiab tshuaj xyuas. Kuv yuav hloov kho cov npe no ua lwm yam khoom xa tuaj sib xyaw ua lag luam.
Infinity Lab, Samsung tus tshiab Harman Kardon Accessories Furage, nyiam nws Instanto 5000 thiab Instantgo 10000 thiab Instantgo 10000 thiab Instanto nyob rau Laim Cable los yooj yim them koj iPhone. 10,000 tus nqi MAH tus nqi $ 20 ntau thiab hnyav dua thiab ntau dua, tab sis nws tuaj yeem them feem ntau Iphones ob zaug.
Thaum kuv tsis tuaj yeem hais li cas zoo lub roj teeb portable ntawm iwalk yuav ua rau lub sijhawm, yog tias nws tau kawg nws yog lub txhab nyiaj fais fab uas tsim nyog cov nyiaj. Ntxiv nrog rau cov built-in laim rau hauv qhov cub (uas koj tuaj yeem ntsaws rau hauv qhov thaum tsis siv 9600mAh yuav luag ob zaug. Lub roj teeb kuj muaj tus qauv coj los qhia tias tus nqi tshuav npaum li cas.
Zagg tsis tshaj tawm nws Mophie Powersts Plus nrog PD cov charger ntau dhau, tab sis nws yog ib qho ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo tshaj plaws nrog lub teeb caim hluav taws xob. 6000mAh roj teeb (txaus kom them tag nrho iPhone), xob laim nrawm dua thaum tsis siv lub ntsej muag, yog tias koj yuav tsis pom nws). Thawj yam ua ntej, ua-hauv cable).
Cov lus qhia ntxiv Hub Portable Chargers tuaj rau ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg thiab tsis muaj tsuas yog cov xob laim thiab USB-C cables kom koj tuaj yeem them koj cov Apple thiab Android pab kiag li lawm. Nws yog me ntsis bulky, tab sis nrog 4400mAh roj teeb, nws yuav tsum yuav luag them koj lub smartphone, nyob ntawm seb nws loj. Lub Boost 6700 mAh qauv nqi txog $ 10 dua.
Ua tsaug rau Gallium Nitride Technology, Chargers ua tau muaj zog thiab sib txuas tib lub sijhawm. Piv txwv li cov qauv no yog cov neeg ua haujlwm tshiab ntawm Ganprime Chargers, uas siv tom ntej-tiam uas lub tuam txhab hais tau ntau dua. Lub ANker Power Bank 733 sib txuas ntawm 65W Charger nrog 10,000mah portable roj teeb thiab yog ib feem ntawm lub ganprime tshiab. Nws yog qhov compact heev thiab los nrog ob USB-C ports rau kev them nyiaj ceev thiab ib USB-ib chaw nres nkoj kom them nyiaj ceev. Koj tuaj yeem them nyiaj txog peb cov khoom siv nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, tab sis thov nco ntsoov tias koj tuaj yeem tsuas yog ntsaws koj lub laptop rau hauv lub ntsiab los muab tag nrho 65-watt them nqi. Kuj tseem nco ntsoov tias koj tuaj yeem txuag tau $ 30 ntawm Amazon los ntawm kev ua kom muaj daim coupon tam sim ntawm nplooj ntawv.
Lub caij nyoog tshaj plaws txog cov neeg ua haujlwm 622 sib nqus roj teeb yog tias nws yog lub roj teeb cordless nrog lub ntsej muag sib nqus uas hloov pauv. Lub 5000mAh roj teeb tsis txhawb nqa cov nqi ceev (them rau 7.5w), tab sis nws yog nyias thiab yooj yim nqa.
Lub hauv paus sib nqus Mini Wireless Charger yog qhov txuas nrog rau sab nraum qab ntawm koj cov ntaub ntawv iPhone) thiab tsub koj iPhone ntawm 7.5W. Yog tias koj xav tau sai npaum li cas them, koj tuaj yeem txuas USB-C rau xob laim Cable rau lub roj teeb thiab tau txais 20-watt them. Nws tseem muaj kev tshaj tawm dhau los-hla kev them, uas txhais tau tias koj tuaj yeem them koj lub roj teeb rau tib lub sijhawm koj them nqi koj lub xov tooj.
Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav lub txhab nyiaj loj dua rau wirelessly them koj lub xov tooj, The Gallus sib nqus wireless wireless wireless wireless fais fab bank yog qhov kev xaiv zoo. Nws muaj 10,000mAh roj teeb uas tuaj yeem them lub iphone 14 txog ob zaug, tab sis nws tseem me ntsis compact.
Zoo li ib co kev sib tw sib nqus wireless chargers, mophie sib nqus fais fab nyiaj, tab sis nws tuaj yeem muab cov khoom siv iPhone lossis nws lo zoo-thiab zoo meej rau kev noj txhua qhov chaw Cov. xijpeem. 5000 mAh roj teeb. Nws tseem ua haujlwm nrog lwm cov xov tooj uas txhawb nqa wireless them thiab muaj hlau nplaum.
Lub mophie piltated wireless sawv nrog Magsafe yog tam sim no tsuas yog muag los ntawm zagg (mophie tus niam txiv lub tuam txhab) thiab Apple. Nws tsis pheej yig, tab sis nws yog ib qho ntau ntau 10,000mAh roj teeb, lub teeb tsa-hauv magsafe sawv thiab charger, thiab xov xwm xov xwm ncig rau hauv qab.
Yog tias koj tab tom nrhiav rau lub txhab nyiaj fais fab compact rau koj iPhone (lossis ib lub xov tooj mophie, kos tawm lub roj teeb hluav taws xob mophie mother (Yog tias koj siv iPhone, koj yuav xav tau USB-C rau Xob Laim Kev Them Nyiaj rau sai sai.) Lub roj teeb no yuav them koj iPhone.
The Anker 523 PowerCore Slim 10K PD is slim for a 10,000mAh portable phone charger and features a 20W USB-C fast charging output port (it's also a USB-C input for battery charging) and a 12W USB-A output port. Cov. Thaum lub pob qij taws 313 lub hwj chim loj dua 10k yog pheej yig dua USB-C Them, thiab cov nyiaj ntau yog qhov loj dua yog tias koj muaj USB-C rau Xob Laim Cable.
Lub Nimble Chat Portable Charger siv cov yas ua kom zoo dua nyob rau hauv nws txoj kev tsim kho. Koj yuav tau them ntau ntxiv rau ib puag ncig, tab sis qhov no yog ib qho zoo 10,000mah compact charger uas muab PD 4.0 (18W) kev them nyiaj ceev ntawm ib qho chaw nres nkoj USB. Ntxiv rau, siv CNET25 daim coupon ntawm kev txheeb xyuas kom tau txais 25% OFF.
Lub OTTERTERBox 10,000mah foldable wireless wireless wireless wireless wireless tau tsim rau cov neeg uas nyiam saib cov yeeb yaj kiab ntawm lawv lub xov tooj lossis ua si ua si nrog tus tswj hwm. Nws muaj cov tshuaj flockand thiab folds thaum koj nyob ntawm txoj kev mus. Nws tseem muaj USB-C thiab USB-ib qho chaw nres nkoj thiab muaj peev xwm them koj lub xov tooj nrawm nrog txog 18w. Wirelessly them iPhone txog li 7.5w thiab Android pab kiag li 10W.


Lub Sijhawm Post: Lub Yim Hli-14-2023